Posts Tagged ‘Disaster’

by Project Avalon

Here’s a new audio interview, and a new video presentation… discussing the Gulf oil crisis, the role of the alternative media, and the extensive and important learning to be had by all.

Both are wide ranging: the audio in particular. Recommended.

Audio interview with Bill Ryan by Tania from the Project Avalon Forum (88 mins)

Video presentation by Bill Ryan about the Gulf oil crisis and the situation in the Niger Delta (24 mins)

The video presentation is worth watching for Ed Kashi’s powerful 8-minute film CURSE OF THE BLACK GOLD, which I’ve appended on the end. See this, if nothing else. This is what’s being done to the human race when no-one in the first world is watching. The film Avatar comes to mind. It’s all right here on Planet Earth. You don’t have to go to Pandora.



by Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane

Overview: This article explains what is really happening in the Gulf of Mexico, who is really responsible for the explosion, and how the devastation serves investment bankers. These globalists sway stocks, create markets, and planned this crisis, among a series of catastrophes, to advance geopolitical and financial agendas.


WAR has been declared against We The People. Yet, there is no country or military present to defend us.

Covert infiltrations and corruptions in governments by the “Rothschild League” of bankers and “private equity investors” now poison our bodies, minds, and planet. Yet, appropriate military and/or militia defenses are prohibited.

Crisis-capitalists are petrochemically massacring us and our environment. They have deployed propaganda–mass media deception–to camouflage their real intentions and vast destruction.

The air we breathe, food we eat, and water we drink, has been polluted to deliver profitable diseases and planned depopulation, simulating a “scorched earth policy” of war.

Citizens’ arrests, grand jury investigations, criminal indictments, and war crime prosecutions are urgently needed, yet financially forbidden.

Generalized fear, depression, fatigue, and apathy is incapacitating our defenses, aiding the adversaries, and predisposing us to diseases and early deaths.

Based on the following irrefutable facts, the so-called “accidental explosion” in the Gulf is a Transocean/Halliburton/British Petroleum/Goldman-Sachs attack—the latest in a series of unspeakable war crimes perpetrated by Anglo-American State of Rothschild League bankers.

Definition and Function of War

WAR has been defined as “a contest between nations or states, carried on by force, . . . for the extension of commerce, . . .  for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other.”

Consider the fact that “it takes money to make money.” Across civilization today, if you want to buy a property or grow a business, most people need to take loans from banks. In fact, the primary way that Nations, States, and civilians advance economically is contracted or underwritten by the banking industry.

Similarly, war is nearly always financed by banks and, allegedly, repaid by taxes.

As you read the following facts, consider these methods by which We The People are now nightmarishly enslaved by a usury system of rampant con-sum(p)-tion. (A word that used to mean degeneration by terminal illness; a sum total “con.”)

Consider the “investment bankers” who steward the stock-markets and care nearly nil about how many species are going extinct, including possibly our own.

Then reflect on this quote by poet Dorothy Parker:

“If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the people He gives it to.”

Today, besides generating profit as proven below, the Rothschild League, that has held dominion over our global economy for centuries, expands it’s mass-mind manipulation, depopulation, and environmental destruction for protection against We The People. After all, we are slowly awakening like a sleeping giant. Our rebuke threatens their plan for complete global control.


Marine Biologist Dr Rikki Ott speaks on Olbermann


Sanjay Gupta, CNN, July 6, 2010:

Might BP be trying to hide the risk to cleanup workers? …

Louisiana’s Health Department has reported 128 cleanup workers who have been sickened.

State clinics are telling us something else as well, that cleanup workers are being told to report to BP’s own health clinic on Grand Isle, not to go to state facilities.

By Glenn Greenwald

Last week, I interviewed Mother Jones‘ Mac McClelland, who has been covering the BP oil spill in the Gulf since the first day it happened. She detailed how local police and federal officials work with BP to harass, impede, interrogate and even detain journalists who are covering the impact of the spill and the clean-up efforts.

She documented one incident which was particularly chilling of an activist who — after being told by a local police officer to stop filming a BP facility because “BP didn’t want him filming” — was then pulled over after he left by that officer so he could be interrogated by a BP security official.  McClelland also described how BP has virtually bought entire Police Departments which now do its bidding:  “One parish has 57 extra shifts per week that they are devoting entirely to, basically, BP security detail, and BP is paying the sheriff’s office.”

Today, an article that is a joint collaboration between PBS’ Frontline and ProPublica reported that a BP refinery in Texas “spewed tens of thousands of pounds of toxic chemicals into the skies” two weeks before the company’s rig in the Gulf collapsed.   Accompanying that article was this sidebar report:

A photographer taking pictures for these articles, was detained Friday while shooting pictures in Texas City, Texas.

The photographer, Lance Rosenfield, said that shortly after arriving in town, he was confronted by a BP security officer, local police and a man who identified himself as an agent of the Department of Homeland Security. He was released after the police reviewed the pictures he had taken on Friday and recorded his date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information.

The police officer then turned that information over to the BP security guard under what he said was standard procedure, according to Rosenfield.

No charges were filed.


by Hurricane Creekkeeper

US Coast Guard issued a press release claiming that no covering of oiled beach was occurring. I sat in my motel room in Orange Beach and watched as multiple pieces of heavy equipment excavated sand and hauled it up the beach and used it to cover oiled sections of beach.

While contractors drove bulldozers, front end loaders, screening tractors and various kinds of equipment on beaches known for Turtle nesting. I watched them from about 11:00 P.M 07/02/10 until about lunch the next day excavating the beach under cover of darkness. There was a stand of ponded water with oil and so called “Tar Balls” which was covered with sand from another area.

U. S. Coast Guard issued a press release stating that this is not happening. USCG (US Coast Guard) uniformed men sat in ATV buggies and watched. I saw them and photographed them.

Why is our Coast Guard playing toady to BP? Are they nothing more than oil lackeys?

View Hurricane’s Incredible Slideshow



WJGH Channel 7 Panama City

Walton county residents stepped up to the podium at Tuesday night’s county commission meeting looking for an answer.
Local businessman Ed Berry is urging commissioners to make sure the appropriate parties are being held accountable.

“The children were in the water swimming. They were coming out of the water with tarballs on their face; they were wiping their face and having tar in their eyes and on their mouth.”

That horrifying image has local officials working to ‘up the ante’.

A request was made to hold weekly town hall meetings, obtain weekly reports on how BP is managing cleanup expenditures, and to provide an updated list of all the consultants the county is using.

But the big push was for the county to begin conducting independent air and water quality testing.

This stems from the frustration and belief that state agencies are doing little, and the little they are doing is a little too late.


Scream No Evil

by Mike Adams (NaturalNews)

As CNN is now reporting, the U.S. government has issued a new rule that would make it a felony crime for any journalist, reporter, blogger or photographer to approach any oil cleanup operation, equipment or vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. Anyone caught is subject to arrest, a $40,000 fine and prosecution for a federal felony crime.

CNN reporter Anderson Cooper says, “A new law passed today, and back by the force of law and the threat of fines and felony charges, … will prevent reporters and photographers from getting anywhere close to booms and oil-soaked wildlife just about any place we need to be. By now you’re probably familiar with cleanup crews stiff-arming the media, private security blocking cameras, ordinary workers clamming up, some not even saying who they’re working for because they’re afraid of losing their jobs.”

Watch the video clip yourself:

The rule, of course, is designed to restrict the media’s access to cleanup operations in order to keep images of oil-covered seabirds off the nation’s televisions. With this, the Gulf Coast cleanup operation has now entered a weird Orwellian reality where the news is shaped, censored and controlled by the government in order to prevent the public from learning the truth about what’s really happening in the Gulf.

The war is on to control your mind

If all this sounds familiar, it’s because the U.S. government uses this same tactic during every war. The first casualty of war, as they say, is the truth. There are lots of war images the government doesn’t want you to see (like military helicopter pilots shooting up Reuters photographers while screaming “Yee-Haw!” over the comm radios), and there are other images they do want you to see (“surgical strike” explosions from “smart” bombs, which makes it seem like the military is doing something useful). So war reporting is carefully monopolized by the government to deliver precisely the images they want you to see while censoring everything else.


BP’s official video on their plans for intersecting and killing the well in the Gulf of Mexico.

Kent Wells explains the relief well drilling process and visits one of the drilling rigs for an update on well progress.

Very informative and explains the bottom kill method quite clearly.
