Archive for the ‘Ron Paul’ Category

by James Quinn

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. There are no easy solutions. There are only painful, more painful, and really, really painful solutions. Both mainstream corrupted political parties have had the chance to put the country back on a prudent fiscal path. They have both failed miserably. One party will spend the country into oblivion and the other party will try to democratize the world with their military machine. ThereĀ are no fresh ideas from either party. There are the same old stale ideas and rhetoric.

I’ve been waiting for someone to distinguish themselves as a straightforward leader who will level with the American people and tell them the TRUTH. There is only one totally truthful politician in Washington DC. His name is Ron Paul. He is trapped in a Republican Party run by neo-con warmongers. Chris Christie, the governor of NJ, has the guts and demeanor to satisfy the requirements of a new leader, but the hacks who run the party will not allow him to become the face of the party. Paul Ryan, Congressman from Wisconsin, has the brains and ideas to help save the country. The party hacks will pretend to adopt his ideas to get elected in 2012 and then go back to the same old policies.

Both parties are captured by corporate lobbyists, the military industrial complex and Wall Street. Lobbyists spend $40 billion per year “convincing” politicians that their ideas should be implemented. Politicians DO NOT represent the people. They represent those who give them the most money. Radical earth shattering change is needed to save this country. Incremental steps won’t work. We need a leader wielding a sledgehammer.


“The Federal Reserve is neither truly federal, nor a full reserve. It is not owned or directly controlled by the United States government. The fact that the words ‘United States Federal Reserve System’ are printed on every U.S. bank note thus raises serious questions.”

How much do you know about the banking system and who issues the money you carry in your pocket? Considering the vital role money plays both in our individual lives and in the world, our educational system teaches us amazingly little about how money is created, how banks operate, and what causes the huge banking scandals and bankruptcies that have occurred. After reading the information below, you will understand why this information is kept quiet and why we feel it is important to reveal these major banking cover-ups. The world’s wealthiest bankers guard their secrets very closely. specializes in using only the most reliable information available to reveal what is going on behind the scenes in a number of key areas. Because of the lack of quality information, we have previously published very little on banking and financial cover-ups. However, as this key topic is essential to understanding the big picture, we present here the best information we have found on the secrets of the banking world. The sources are not up to our normal high standards, yet we believe you will find the information highly useful. By using the links provided for verification, you can find strong evidence in support of all that is presented here.

First, we recommend these revealing free documentaries on the banking cover-up: – Monopoly Men (45 minutes) – Money Masters (210 minutes, transcript available here)

Both of these fact-filled documentaries have been given a very rare rating of five out of five stars by Google Video viewers. These films, though they have some weaknesses and exaggeration, do an excellent job of introducing and educating viewers to key, little-known facts which impact our global economy and politics. We encourage you to have a healthy skepticism of what is presented, yet also to have an open mind to the possibility that much of what is presented is based on verifiable evidence.

The Federal Reserve: Neither Truly Federal Nor a Full Reserve

Do you know who issues the money in your wallet or purse? Take a look at the top of any U.S. bills and you will find “Federal Reserve Note” printed along the top. In a small black circle on the left side of these notes, you will read “United States Federal Reserve System.” It is the Federal Reserve which issues all bank notes in the United States. Yet who owns the Federal Reserve?


RAW STORY (January 20, 2010) House Rep. Ron Paul says the CIA has in effect carried out a “coup” against the US government, and the intelligence agency needs to be “taken out.”

Speaking to an audience of like-minded libertarians at a Campaign for Liberty regional conference in Atlanta this past weekend, the Texas Republican said:

There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military. They’re the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on countries…

And of course the CIA is every bit as secretive as the Federal Reserve. And yet think of the harm they have done since they were established [after] World War II. They are a government unto themselves. They’re in businesses, in drug businesses, they take out dictators … We need to take out the CIA.

Paul’s comments, made last weekend, were met with a loud round of applause, but they didn’t gather attention until bloggers noticed a clip of the event at YouTube.

Paul appeared to be referring to news reports that the CIA is deeply involved in air strikes against Al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan and Pakistan. A suicide bombing late last year against Forward Operating Base Chapman in Afghanistan took the lives of seven of CIA operatives, including two contracted from Blackwater. The event highlighted the CIA’s deep involvement in the war effort.

Paul’s reference to the CIA being “in the drug business” refers to long-running allegations that the CIA has funded some of its covert operations with proceeds from drug-running.

That claim was most famously made in a 1996 investigative report from the San Jose Mercury-News, which alleged that cocaine from the Contra-Sandinista civil war in Nicaragua was making its way to the streets of L.A. via the CIA.