Sumerian Ziggurat. Ziggurats were a form of temple common to the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians of ancient Mesopotamia.The earliest examples of the ziggurat date from the end of the third millennium BCE and the latest date from the 6th century BCE. click to enlarge

Pillars of Empire

Long ago, after Sumer was destroyed, the world faced a dark age as one of the shining lights of world civilization had sprung up virtually out of nowhere, and just as quickly, now had faced its sudden demise. The secrets of the Sumerians, including natural science, astronomy, agricultural techniques, a functional political system, warfare tactics, and most significantly, theological practices and ritual, were facing extinction. The maintenance of these secrets, literally the keys to mankind’s control over the earth and its inhabitants, were passed to the Egyptians. In particular, these secrets were passed in the form of a king-making ceremony exercised by the priestly class. For an Egyptian to truly be accepted as king, he or she had to undergo this ceremony and receive these secrets to direct the society that was his or her charge. To question the authority of this king and to support another contender would have been foolish, as it would put a person on the throne with inadequate knowledge of any of these critical functions of governance. The king, who made the “rocks sing” with the almost magical act of writing, who knew the movements of the heavens, the most opportune times to plant, and how to construct fabulous dwellings through architecture, most certainly would be perceived as god-like, if not the sun-god, Amen-Ra, incarnate on earth.

By the time we reach Seqenenre Tao II, the ruler of the last of the Theban kingdoms at the end of the Middle Period, one might imagine that these “secrets” were of little use. If, long ago, a king had taught some ancient forbearer the techniques of agriculture, that farmer no doubt taught his children and his children’s children the family farming techniques. Similar arguments can be made regarding writing, which disseminated widely in the priestly class, and government, which can be absorbed by osmosis in participation, etc. One then sees that the king-making ceremony had reached rather a point of being formalism and superstition.

While for the sake of the superstitious and tradition, the king-making ceremony was still needed, but practically not essential. No better proof of the new freedom to question the king’s inalienable right to rule was the fact that mighty kingships were being contested at that time, and there is clear evidence from the mummy that Sequenenre Tao II was assassinated by 3 blows to the head. The contenders to the throne felt that while Sequenenre Tao’s authority could certainly be challenged, they felt that for the mass of common people, it was perhaps still useful to keep the king-making ceremony as a ritual of legitimacy.

As is well known, through the work of Eisenman, Knight, Lomas, and others, the king was approached by 3 assassins at noon prayer, asked to divulge the ceremony of king-making (which probably involved a ritualistic death and resurrection, perhaps assisted by drugs and a theatrical re-enacting of Osiris’s journey) and he refused, resulting in his death and the loss of the god-making ceremony. This event is the basis of the legend of Hiram Abif as enacted by the Freemasons. Finding themselves without a king-making ceremony, the now-ruling conspirators proceeded to make one up. This new king-making ceremony, in all its uselessness and superstition, became the foundation of Egyptian theology, the pyramids, and several major world-religions.

Moses was an Egyptian, well inside the court circle. The “Jews” were a loose group of unrelated tribes that Moses took leadership of, skilled artisans and an intelligent but warlike people that had been taken into slavery by the Egyptians for their utility. Moses took with him the fake king ceremony and that ever-powerful desire to rule and dominate others, took his cadre of misfit warriors, and then ran through Palestine, killing and raping town after town of men, women, children and animals as he went. The ultimate goal was to build a kingdom of the sun God Amen-Ra united with law and legitimized by the king-making ceremony. This was continued by the Judges, David, Solomon etc. It is in Solomon that we have a reconstruction of the temple and ceremony in full and in public. His connection with this lifestyle was so well known centuries after his life that the Bible goes to great lengths to rationalize his “paganism” and “demonology.” In general, the murderous, treacherous, and immoral behavior of the Jewish kings shows how well this belief in God-hood and divine right-to-rule can justify literally any action of self-aggrandizement as “good.”
In Solomon’s temple we see a door facing east with two pillars, representing the upper and lower kingdoms that were united to make Egypt. Over time, these pillars became symbols of the priest and the king with the arch-stone or cornerstone being the united kingdom.

By the time we get to the time of Jesus, apocalyptic fervor was in full swing. It was expected there would be a priestly messiah and a political messiah, and that when they were united together, there would be an eternal Jewish kingdom and Jerusalem would never again be held by non-Jews such as the Romans. It was widely believed that John the Baptist was the priestly Messiah. This is why the Bible goes through such great length to link John the Baptist favorably with Christ. The problem is that before the two could stand in the Temple of Jerusalem and perform their ultimately pointless king-making ceremony, John the Baptist had his head cut off. It seems that Jesus somewhere decided that he was both Messiahs in one body. This did not seem plausible to many of the time, which explains both Jesus’s lack of significant historical impact as well as the continued proposal of single and dual Messiahs. Jesus’s brother James (aka Jacob) also developed quite a following. He was the leader of the Qumran group, authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Since Solomon etc had performed the rites and yet the Jews were under foreign occupation, there must be an explanation to the failure of the “magic.” The answer, then as always, was that the nonsense magic didn’t work because the people weren’t “pure” enough. With the ritual ablutions, extreme diet and prayer, the Qumran community offered the hope of spiritual revival and subsequent political freedom. The idea then became that Jesus and his brother James, like Moses and Aaron before, would make the ideal pillars. The garden of Gesthemane was outside the east gate, and other scrolls suggest Jesus and James were either about to do the rite or just finished it when Jesus was captured. Jesus – the political one – Jesus Christ, “king” was captured, as was James, the son-of-God, aka Bar-abbas. The Romans, knowing their enemy well, knew only one pillar of two had to be killed to destroy a movement, so they gave the Jews a choice, Jesus king of the Jews or Jesus Barabbas. James had more clout and believability, or perhaps the Jews thought death would be no obstacle for the rite, much like with Osiris, so they let James, Jesus Barabbas, go.

Somewhere around this time, a gentile man, a Roman citizen, with a Jewish ancestry but no understanding of the culture of Judaism was assigned the task of quelling Jewish rebellion. He seems to have been successful and to have earned quite a name as Saul, effectively quelling rebellion. He was on his way to Qumran (aka “Damascus” not in Syria, but near the Dead Sea), whether to quell their sect or indulge a long-dormant desire to find out who he “was,” but either way, this very psychologically charged journey changed this man. He apparently met with James and heard the initiate stories and sayings of Jesus, but despite the 3-year requirement of mastery at Qumran, left after days with full understanding – to the continual consternation of James. Not only did he naturally Hellenicize the story, focusing on the Dionysian slaughter of Jesus, but he simply started his own church with his own mythos. It appears for some time that James, like his brother Jesus, entertained the idea of being both pillars in one, but he was buried to his waist, stoned, and then clubbed finally in the head. His influence had grown too great, and the Maccabean revolt was immanent too. Whether they performed the rite or not, it was clear the pillars were dead, no other candidates were on the horizon, and there is a fair chance the rite with both pillars had been performed once or several times to no effect. Rome ruled Jerusalem and the church of Jesus had been hijacked and turned into a mystery cult by a ladder-climbing Roman citizen.

Seeing the end was near, the Qumran community had buried the scrolls, the most secret under the temple at Jerusalem. Paul had nominated himself the king (popes today still wear the bi-lobed hat of Egypt’s upper and lower kingdom united), made Jesus the priestly pillar, conveniently dead, and removed Jewish law and Jewish political aspirations from the earth. Herod razed the temple to the ground. Eventually the Roman Catholic Church and then the Muslims would control Jerusalem, and orthodox Jews still purify, wait for the rite to be performed, and themselves to rule the world. The Templars, digging for treasure under the Temple ruins, found the scrolls. They went within 50-years from being darlings of the church to slaughtered on Friday 13th. They had unlocked the secret of the false church, and those who were not slaughtered had to go underground in the secret societies of Freemasonry. The focus centered on the secrets and the ritual, and the focus, as the rites were performed in the early Celtic church, Scotland, France etc, began to be solely based on a philosophy of world rule by uniting the spiritual (the square or ruler) and the political (the compass symbolizing a king whose rule radiates out from a central point). This would become the square and compass of Freemasonry as well as the Star of David (a sign that first is seen in Judaism under Greek influence).

We see the same errors of thinking in terms of domination and hierarchy generate horror after horror for centuries. America still derives much of its arrogance from the assumption of king rituals, the right-to-rule, and rabid support of the criminal “state” of Israel built entirely on Palestinian genocide. Women, “inferior races”, moral groups like homosexuals and the promiscuous, and those who seek ritual through non-national rites (like shamans and the battle on shamanistic citizens through the “War on Drugs”) are continually attacked with a ferocity that defies any reason or attempt at apologetics. The time for a paradigm-shift, the rejection of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Nationalism, and Racism, is at hand. An economics built on cannibalizing our brothers and sisters around the earth we share cannot stand. We cannot breathe our air, drink our water, or eat our food, no footstep can be taken without being stained with blood. The legacy of Egypt must die. We must approach the earth as a Commons shared by us all, in which we all have a part, a share to protect for ourselves and our children.


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